Piaţa internă – o construcţie incompletă și în evoluţie: Spre ce evoluează însă mai precis?
Numărul 4 Anul 2023
The article tackles the state and the evolution of the Internal Market, in particular the eternal tension between centralisation and unification on the one hand, and local diversity on the other. The argument presented here proceeds in three steps. First, the Internal Market remains a remarkably incomplete structure. Although quite elegant as a model on paper, the default requirement of mutual recognition is an unusually vague principle, the f...
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De ce este mai bine ca fiecare dispoziţie a unei directive a Uniunii Europene să fie tratată ca o dispoziţie având efect direct (orizontal)
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
The provisions of EU directives do not have horizontal direct effect. This contribution explains how that initial choice and statement made by the Court of Justice of the European Union in Marshall came to be gradually undermined by the numerous exceptions to this rule. If viewed together, they make one wonder about the nature of the present-day rule and the exceptions, in particular in areas like employment law or various aspects of prohibiti...
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