Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: date cu caracter personal

Perpetuitatea înscrierii în registrul infractorilor sexuali și conformitatea ei cu principiile fundamentale ale dreptului constituţional român și ale dreptului Uniunii Europene
The study aims to analyse the legislative provisions that deal with control and identification measures for persons convicted of sexual offences, from the point of view of the compliance of these provisions and the administrative practices with the fundamental principles of Romanian constitutional law, and also from the specific perspective of personal data protection. The author concludes that the absence of judicial review of registration an...
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Relația dintre protecția datelor și inteligența artificială. Impactul reglementării inteligenței artificiale în Uniunea Europeană
The Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence (the Artificial Intelligence Act) gives the opportunity to discuss not only issues related to positive law or the future impact of artificial intelligence regulation on data with personal character but also topical aspects of the relationship between the two elements: personal data and artificial intelligence. The...
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Consimțământul: un ingredient esențial pentru cookie?
01 01 2023
The present article analyses the consent as a foundation for the use of cookies. In the case of cookies, the lack of consent or its inadequacy is one of the most frequent causes of incidents related to the protection of personal data. The explanation would reside in the fact that, in the current legislative context, there are (still) no binding legal rules on this issue. Instead, there are guidelines issued by the supervisory authorities of th...
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