Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: despăgubiri

Ar trebui revizuită oare Directiva UE privind despăgubirile în materia concurenţei pentru a acorda societăţilor care beneficiază de imunitate la amenzi, în temeiul programelor de clemenţă ale autorităţilor de concurenţă, și imunitate împotriva despăgubirilor?
03 01 2023
Following various proposals in the academic literature, and in the light of the observed decrease in the number of leniency applications received by European competition authorities in the period 2015-2020, the German Monopolies Commission (Monopolkommission) proposed in 2022 to amend the Competition Damages Directive 2014/104/EU so as to immunize companies that have received immunity under the competition authorities’ leniency programmes from ...
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