Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: protecţia datelor

Jurisprudenţa Curţii de Justiţie (a Uniunii Europene) privind internetul
The Court of Justice is the institution that interprets European Union law, and its rulings are binding for national and European courts and authorities. The Court has delivered judgments in various fields, such as competition, consumer protection, data protection, cybersecurity, journalism, the right to information, data access, freedom of expression, and good administration, which indirectly influence the use of the internet.
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Publicitatea politică: transparenţă și garanţii pentru protecţia drepturilor fundamentale
Political advertising is a field that affects not only individual behaviours but also societies as a whole. The use of new technologies, profiling, automated decision processes, access to data are key elements of political advertising. The article discusses the legislative and judicial safeguards for the protection of fundamental rights, at European and Romanian level.
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