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Protecting the environment in investor-state disputes: comparative administrative law as a source for the proportionality test
Numărul 4 Anul 2023
One controversial aspect of international investment law and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) is the fact that disputes often refer to sensitive political and social issues, which are inherently national. To tackle this, various solutions were proposed, inter alia, that adjudicators draw inspiration from comparative public law. Arbitral tribunals have done it before, for instance when applying the well-known public law principle of pr...
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Amenzi aplicate în domeniul normelor antitrust ale UE și răspunderea cadrelor de conducere – O analiză juridică și economică
Numărul 4 Anul 2023
Should companies that have been fi ned for EU antitrust infringements be allowed to recover such fines from their (former) directors or employees? On the basis of an analysis of the EU Treaty provisions, legislation and case law on antitrust fines, as well as of the economic nature of antitrust infringements and the economic rationale of fines on undertakings/companies, this paper argues that it would appear contrary to EU law to allow undertak...
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Piaţa internă – o construcţie incompletă și în evoluţie: Spre ce evoluează însă mai precis?
Numărul 4 Anul 2023
The article tackles the state and the evolution of the Internal Market, in particular the eternal tension between centralisation and unification on the one hand, and local diversity on the other. The argument presented here proceeds in three steps. First, the Internal Market remains a remarkably incomplete structure. Although quite elegant as a model on paper, the default requirement of mutual recognition is an unusually vague principle, the f...
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Perpetuitatea înscrierii în registrul infractorilor sexuali și conformitatea ei cu principiile fundamentale ale dreptului constituţional român și ale dreptului Uniunii Europene
Numărul 3 Anul 2023
The study aims to analyse the legislative provisions that deal with control and identification measures for persons convicted of sexual offences, from the point of view of the compliance of these provisions and the administrative practices with the fundamental principles of Romanian constitutional law, and also from the specific perspective of personal data protection. The author concludes that the absence of judicial review of registration an...
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Ar trebui revizuită oare Directiva UE privind despăgubirile în materia concurenţei pentru a acorda societăţilor care beneficiază de imunitate la amenzi, în temeiul programelor de clemenţă ale autorităţilor de concurenţă, și imunitate împotriva despăgubirilor?
Numărul 3 Anul 2023
Following various proposals in the academic literature, and in the light of the observed decrease in the number of leniency applications received by European competition authorities in the period 2015-2020, the German Monopolies Commission (Monopolkommission) proposed in 2022 to amend the Competition Damages Directive 2014/104/EU so as to immunize companies that have received immunity under the competition authorities’ leniency programmes from ...
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Solidaritatea și criza valorilor în Uniunea Europeană
Numărul 3 Anul 2023
Looking at Article 2 TEU, this contribution considers that there is an external and an internal crisis of values: the former referring to challenges to EU values coming from individual Member States which prioritize their own agendas and the latter referring to the tension between a liberal and more solidarity-driven understanding of the EU’s foundations as it stems from the very wording of Article 2 TEU. In an attempt to unpack solidarity and...
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Trimiteri preliminare pentru executarea valorilor Uniunii Europene
Numărul 3 Anul 2023
The binding authority of the rulings rendered by the European Court of Justice is the principal reason why the preliminary ruling procedure may constitute an efficient means of enforcing EU law in general – and EU values in particular. This article explains how the preliminary ruling procedure can be used as a tool towards the enforcement of EU values. It considers who can use the procedure to this end, it examines how to create the basis for...
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Despre echilibrul puterilor: statul de drept în interiorul Uniunii Europene
Numărul 3 Anul 2023
In the legal order of the European Union (EU), the values contained in Article 2 TEU define the very identity of the Union as a common legal order. The common values, which include the rule of law, are embedded in the very DNA of the European integration project.
In its landmark judgment in Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses, the Court of Justice indicated the path towards defending the values contained in Article 2 TEU. Uphold...
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Regulamentul nr. 1/2003: O evaluare după douăzeci de ani
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
Regulation 1/2003 brought about a radical change in the way in which the EU antitrust prohibitions contained in Articles 101 and 102 TFEU are enforced. The previous enforcement regime, under Regulation 17, which dated from 1962, was characterised by a centralised notification and authorisation system for Article 101(3) TFEU. Regulation 1/2003 abolished this system and replaced it by a system of ex post enforcement. The objectives of this refor...
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De ce este mai bine ca fiecare dispoziţie a unei directive a Uniunii Europene să fie tratată ca o dispoziţie având efect direct (orizontal)
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
The provisions of EU directives do not have horizontal direct effect. This contribution explains how that initial choice and statement made by the Court of Justice of the European Union in Marshall came to be gradually undermined by the numerous exceptions to this rule. If viewed together, they make one wonder about the nature of the present-day rule and the exceptions, in particular in areas like employment law or various aspects of prohibiti...
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Transformarea abordării Curţii Europene de Justiţie referitoare la trimiterile preliminare provenite de la organe administrative ale statelor membre
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
According to Article 267 TFEU, a ‘court or tribunal of a Member State’ can make a preliminary reference to the Court of Justice. The Court applies a single, homogeneous definition of a ‘court or tribunal’. This has allowed it to admit references from those specialised, independent, administrative bodies that in several Member States have been established instead of administrative courts to decide claims under public law, including EU law. Whet...
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Tradiţiile constituţionale comune
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
The article presents the evolution and meaning of the concept of “constitutional traditions common to the Member States” in EU law. The Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) used this concept for the fi rst time in Internationale Handelsgesellschaft, in December 1970, by taking over a concept coined in 1949 for the Council of Europe. The author argues that on the whole there is only a limited added value to the concept of common cons...
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Statul de drept și identitatea constituţională a Uniunii Europene
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
The article deals with the implications that the values of the European Union have for the Member States, bearing in mind the central place of these values, listed in Article 2 TEU, in the European legal order. Among these values, the rule of law is the backbone of the modern democratic society. Courts of law – as independent arbitrators – are the guardians of the rule of law. Given the central role of national courts in the EU’s constitution...
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Consimțământul: un ingredient esențial pentru cookie?
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
The present article analyses the consent as a foundation for the use of cookies. In the case of cookies, the lack of consent or its inadequacy is one of the most frequent causes of incidents related to the protection of personal data. The explanation would reside in the fact that, in the current legislative context, there are (still) no binding legal rules on this issue. Instead, there are guidelines issued by the supervisory authorities of th...
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Relația dintre protecția datelor și inteligența artificială. Impactul reglementării inteligenței artificiale în Uniunea Europeană
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
The Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence (the Artificial Intelligence Act) gives the opportunity to discuss not only issues related to positive law or the future impact of artificial intelligence regulation on data with personal character but also topical aspects of the relationship between the two elements: personal data and artificial intelligence. The...
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