O condiţie delicată. Vetting-ul judecătorilor și obligaţia de a implementa avizele Comisiei de la Veneţia
04 01 2023
The judges’ vetting became a fashionable topic in Eastern Europe. The process did not avoid the Republic of Moldova, a state trying not to deviate from its path towards the European Union. The judges’ vetting became a generally accepted goal in Moldova, because the main obstacle on the way to its status of a European Union’s member is the unfavorable situation in the justice sector. In Moldova, the candidates for the position of Superior Counc...
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Protecting the environment in investor-state disputes: comparative administrative law as a source for the proportionality test
04 01 2023
One controversial aspect of international investment law and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) is the fact that disputes often refer to sensitive political and social issues, which are inherently national. To tackle this, various solutions were proposed, inter alia, that adjudicators draw inspiration from comparative public law. Arbitral tribunals have done it before, for instance when applying the well-known public law principle of pr...
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